Sameer For Congress

For years, I've wanted to run for Congress.
I'm finally going to do it in 2006. (temporarily postponed)
One problem--I don't know which party to choose.

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Location: United States


No wait--you're kidding, right?

So rumors are starting to surface that the Bush administration is developing plans for an airstrike on Iran--to oust President Ahmadinejad, a "potential Hitler."  Is it just me, or does anyone think that a third war is completely out of the question?  I mean, hell--we're not done in Afghanistan, Bush has admitted that the responsibility for ending our presence in Iraq will be a task for another president, our military is stretched way thin--and now we're rattling our sabers again and even CONSIDERING another war?

Moreover, rumors suggest we're thinking about using NUCLEAR weapons in this battle.  When will it end?  When will it end?

I wonder if the Bushies can convice Congress to let them go to war again.  I guarantee they can't convince the American people.  What I'm worried about is that they'll attempt to go to war again without anyone's official backing.  Grr....