Sameer For Congress

For years, I've wanted to run for Congress.
I'm finally going to do it in 2006. (temporarily postponed)
One problem--I don't know which party to choose.

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Location: United States


Hey, Lady.

I just finished watching what may have been the first Houston showing of M. Night Shyamalan's "Lady in the Water" with Lea and her sister.  Fantastic.  A wonderful piece of storytelling, which does what a great story does--alludes to grander themes.

It talks about a netherworld of beings that is sent to put us on the right path, as we have gone astray.

I think it's interesting that more than one director of late has chosen this sort of theme.  It makes me wonder if these people; these stories have always existed in civilization, or if these suddenly-frequent posits by artists are signs that something really is wrong.

We all know the world has issues these days, but from the middle of it, it doesn't seem like they are significantly worse than those of any other civilization we know.

Maybe, however, this is what happens when a civilization nears a decision point.  Maybe something similar happened in Egypt; in Greece.  Maybe these artists are showing us, in dramatic form, that we as a world are tearing ourselves apart.  Maybe we can do something about it.


Do as I Do...

Just something quick to say tonight.   It seems we gave Israel the wrong idea--yeah, sure, go ahead and wipe out a country if they throw a stick at you.  It's OK.  We can't say a thing 'cause that's what we did with Iraq.