Sameer For Congress

For years, I've wanted to run for Congress.
I'm finally going to do it in 2006. (temporarily postponed)
One problem--I don't know which party to choose.

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Location: United States


...and he took the Lindbergh baby, too.

So CNN is reporting that this guy, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, recently confessed to a bunch of crimes, including the following:

  • Plotting the 9/11 attacks.
  • Plotting the foiled Richard Reid shoe bombing.
  • Plotting the Bali bombing.
  • Plotting attacks on a myriad of cities and political figures.
  • Personally beheading Daniel Pearl.
I'm not saying this guy is innocent, but does anyone find it a bit much that he conveniently confessed to nearly every terrorist attack over the past few years? Or that this confession happened during a military tribunal at Guantanamo (a place not really known for its fair legal system)? Hmm...