Sameer For Congress

For years, I've wanted to run for Congress.
I'm finally going to do it in 2006. (temporarily postponed)
One problem--I don't know which party to choose.

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Location: United States


The Despot is Dead.  Vive le Despot.

So it seems that our friend Slobodan Milosevic is dead, according to CNN.  Poisoned? Maybe.  Heart attack? Maybe.  Iocaine powder?  Possibly.  Regardless, he will be six feet under soon.

According to CNN, before now there have been
attempts to poison this guy while he was in prison.

This begs the question--would this guy have gotten a fair trial anyway?  Will Saddam Hussein get a fair trial?  Or are each of these tyrants' 'trials' simply a mockery of the judicial system?

I think they are.  These guys have been judged even before they went into the courtroom.  What's up for grabs is what sort of sentence they'll get (undoubtedly, exile).  It seems to me, that the only reason anyone wants to see them in a courtroom is to air their complaints against them in a public forum.  To throw stones at them.

I'm not saying folks aren't justified in wanting to see their beloved despots writhe in pain while having their accusations levied against them, one by one--but isn't there a better way to do that?

One that doesn't make a mockery of the judicial system? 


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