Sameer For Congress

For years, I've wanted to run for Congress.
I'm finally going to do it in 2006. (temporarily postponed)
One problem--I don't know which party to choose.

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Location: United States


Baby Pee

Yes, boys and girls, I'm in Bangalore--chillin' with my cousins, et al.  Despairing of the end of my journey.  And wondering what I'm going to do next.
And watching my nephew peeing on his mom's bed.  And on his mom.  While being changed.  The scenario was actually quite funny:
Step one: Nanny begins to change child.
Step two: Mother starts to nuzzle child.
Step three: Child whizzes on mother
Step four (simultaneously executed with step three): Mother shrieks in surprise.
Step five (also simultaneous): Child shrieks.
Wailing and washing and remarks of surprise ensue.  As I remain on couch, watching (and writing emails).
What a helpful houseguest I am.  But it's been great, seeing the domesticated life.  Eating lunch with whoever's around at lunchtime.  Chatting with whoever's around.  Writing emails.  Going out at night.  Having fun.  Finding a cat on my bed when I wake up in the morning.  (take that the wrong way, and I'll remove your nose!)
And relaxing.  Back home soon--and if anyone knows of volunteer opps for Katrina victims, let me know.  Also, if anyone wants a place to stay in Houston while volunteering, my doors are open--even before I return home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, man.

Been monitoring your blog and am really glad you have had quite the adventure.

When (if?) you come back and are serious about the volunteer work, give me a call. I know of a call center in Houston that needs a few more warm bodies to man the phones in the wake of this disaster. You don't even need to adjust your bio-clock, since they need people overnight as well. ;-)



9/02/2005 8:35 PM  

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